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To use Calc, you need to set the `width` property to a value that is greater than or equal to zero, and then provide a formula that uses the values of the element’s children and any other CSS rules you have set. Calc will then use that formula to calculate the width of the element.

For example, if you want to set the width of an element to be 50% of the width of its parent element, you could use the following code:

width: 50%;

Another way to use Calc is to use the `width` property and the `%` sign to calculate the width of an element based on its content and the width of its parent element. For example, if you have a parent element with a width of 100%, and you want to create a child element that is 50% wide, you could use the following code:

width: 100%;

child: {

width: 50%;

In both of these examples, the `width` property is used to set the width of the element, and the `%` sign is used to calculate the width based on the content and the width of the parent element.

One important note about using Calc is that it only works correctly if the elements you are calculating the width of have the same structure and width requirements. If you have elements that have different structures or are要求不同的宽度, you will need to use other methods to calculate the width of each element.

Overall, Calc is a useful tool for calculating the width of elements in CSS. It allows you to easily determine the width of elements based on their content and any CSS rules you have set. However, it is important to note that it only works correctly if the elements you are calculating the width of have the same structure and width requirements.

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