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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is an essential tool for building web pages, websites, and applications. It is a language that describes how the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and other resources on the web should be styled and displayed. In CSS, keywords and operators are used to control the style and appearance of elements on the page.

Keywords are short words or phrases that are used to specify the characteristics of an element, such as its color, font, size, and shape. For example, the keyword `color` specifies the color of an element, while the keyword `background-color` specifies the background color of an element. Keywords are used in conjunction with other keywords to create more complex CSS rules.

Operators, on the other hand, are used to perform different actions on elements and CSS rules. Some common operators include `+` (add), `-` (subtract), `*` (multiply), `/` (divide), `%` (modulus), and `&` (and). For example, the operator `+` adds two values together, while the operator `-` subtracts one value from another.

Another important operator is the `!` (boolean) operator. It allows you to specify whether an element should be displayed or not based on certain rules. For example, you could use the `!` operator to specify that an element should not be displayed if it has a certain class, if it is greater than a certain size, or if it has a certain color.

In summary, CSS keywords and operators are an essential part of understanding how CSS works. By understanding how they work together, you can create more complex and effective CSS rules to style your web pages and applications.

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