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css英文字体名 |css翻书代码

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CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)是一种用于网页设计的样式表语言,可以用于定义网页的布局、样式、颜色和其他外观属性。在CSS中,字体被称为字体样式,可以通过选择不同的字体样式来改变网页的外观。本文将介绍一些常见的CSS英文字体名,以及它们的特点和应用。

1. Arial

Arial is a popular sans-serif font that is commonly used in CSS. It is known for its clean and simple design, and is often used for headers, buttons, and other elements on a web page. Arial is known for its accurate and reliable color rendering, making it a popular choice for color调色板.

2. Helvetica

Helvetica is another popular sans-serif font that is commonly used in CSS. It is known for its clean and professional design, and is often used for headers, buttons, and other elements on a web page. Helvetica is known for its strong legibility and accuracy in color rendering, making it a popular choice for text design.

3. Times New Roman

Times New Roman is aserif font that is commonly used for type design. It is known for its clean and professional design, and is often used for headers, buttons, and other elements on a web page. Times New Roman is known for its strong legibility and accuracy in color rendering, making it a popular choice for text design.

4. Georgia

Georgia is aserif font that is commonly used for type design. It is known for its clean and modern design, and is often used for headers, buttons, and other elements on a web page. Georgia is known for its strong legibility and accuracy in color rendering, making it a popular choice for text design.

5. sans-serif

sans-serif refers to any font that is not aserif font. sans-serif字体包括Arial, Helvetica, Open Sans, and more. These fonts are commonly used for type design, as they are not related toserif字体, which are used forserif type design.

In conclusion, CSS英文字体名是CSS中常用的字体样式,它们有着简洁、专业、准确、可靠、 legibility的特点, Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Georgia, and sans-serif都是常见的CSS英文字体名。选择适合应用的字体样式,可以提高网页设计的质量和美观度。

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