select lpad(‘ ‘,3*(t2.grl_grouplevel-1))||t1.cif_namecn from cb_cst_inf t1,cs_group_rel t2 where t1.cif_cstno=t2.grl_cstid
start with t2.grl_cstid =’CB10001810′ and t2.grl_groupid=’10002135′
connect by prior t2.grl_cstid = t2.grl_uplevelid;
–START WITH :用于指定层次查询的跟行
–CONNECT BY :用于指定父行和子行之间的关系,在这个条件中必须使用PRIOR引用父行,语法如下:…PRIOR expr=expr 或 …expr=PRIOR expr
select lpad(‘ ‘,5*(t2.grl_grouplevel-1))||t1.cif_namecn name,
case when t2.grl_grouplevel=’1′ then ‘总公司’
when t2.grl_grouplevel=’2′ then ‘一级分公司’
else ‘一级以下分公司’ end level_name from cb_cst_inf t1,cs_group_rel t2 where t1.cif_cstno=t2.grl_cstid –and t1.cif_cstno=’CB10001810′
start with t2.grl_uplevelid is null and t2.grl_groupid=’10002024′
connect by prior t2.grl_cstid = t2.grl_uplevelid;