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/*** 1.Initialize Velocity. This applies to bothusage patterns for Velocity,* the Singleton as well as the 'separateruntime instance' (see more on* this below), and you only do this once.* 2. Create a Context object (more on whatthat is later).* 3.Add your data objects to the Context.* 4. Choose a template. * 5. 'Merge' the template and your data toproduce theouput.* * @throwsException*/Velocity.init("src/");使用的是相对路径,项目下的src下的//2. Create a Context objectVelocityContext context = newVelocityContext();//3.Add your data objects to this contextcontext.put("hello","HeloWorld");context.put("who", "旗哥");//4.Choose a templateTemplate template =Velocity.getTemplate("mytemplate.vm");StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();//5.Merge the template and you data toproduce the outputtemplate.merge(context, sw);sw.flush();System.out.println(sw.toString());