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黄帝 the Yellow Emperor

天坛 Heaven

进行祭天仪式 perform rituals

向上天跪拜 prostrate oneself before the powers of theuniverse

共产主义革命 Communist revolution

祭祖 honor their ancestors

扫墓 Tomb-Sweeping

破四旧 cast to the four winds

家风 family values

大禹 King Yu

古巴比伦 ancient Iraq

青铜铸件 bronze casting

甲骨文 oracle bones

君权神授 the Mandate of Heaven

朱红的瑞鸟 a great vermillion bird

求道之人 seekers after the Way

孝顺 filial piety

翰林院 the Imperial Academy

周文王 King Wen of the Zhou

百家争鸣 100 schools bloomed

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